Direkter Download: SPPD-084-2008-01-17
Intro: Bill Gates Keynote on CES 2008 On-Demand Webcast : Bills Last Day ab 10:40
- SharePoint Konferenz 2008 19.-21.2.2008
- CeBIT 2008 4.-9.3.2008
- SharePointCommunityCamp 23.-25.4.2008 in Berlin
- Webcast-Serie zum SQL Server 2008 bis 25.1.2008
- SharePoint einer der Top ECM Trends in 2008
- Survey points to Microsoft SharePoint becoming a de-facto collaboration platform
- How to create a ‘Slipstream’ installation for MOSS with SP1 (dazu Seite im Wiki)
- White Paper: Implementing Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Solutions
- Creating a Custom Site Definition (Part 1)
- Creating a Custom Site Definition (Part 2)
- Associating Custom Content Types with a Custom Site Definition
- Video: Building Presentations from SharePoint Site Content (Code dazu Chapter 09)
Thema Workflow
- Building Workflow Templates for SharePoint v3 Using Visual Studio 2008
- Workflow Deep-Dive Presentation von Chris O’Brien
Thema PowerShell und SharePoint
Thema BDC (dazu die Seite im Wiki)
- BDC MetaMan – 18th December
- Few Issues with Microsoft Business Data Catalog Definition Editor
- Using Business Data Catalog Definition Editor
- Importing BDC Data into SharePoint
- Working with Business Data Column
- BDC Site Column
Tools und Downloads
- Extranet Collaboration Toolkit for Sharepoint
- Microsoft iFilter Pack
- WS-FileConvertor 1.0c – Convert images to text and upload into SharePoint
- SharePoint Silverlight Browser WebPart (SharePoint Silverlight Browser Beta 1)
- Formelbeispiele in berechneten Spalten für WSS 3.0 in englisch
- Formelbeispiele in berechneten Spalten für WSS 3.0 in deutsch
- Hinweis: MOSS 2007: Error in description of IF-function for formulas in calculated columns
- Integrating MOSS 2007 and Dynamics AX Part I – setting up your development environment
- Dynamics CRM Blog von Carsten Groth
Feedback: sharepointpodcast (at) gmail.com
Technorati: SharePoint, Podcast, SharePoint 2007, SharePointCommunity, MOSS 2007, SharePoint2007