SPPD386 Citizen Developer with Mike Fitzmaurice

Auf dem SharePoint Saturday North Germany in Bremen am 20.1.2018 traf ich Mike Fitzmaurice und sprach mit ihm über das Thema „Citizen Developer“ in seiner Keynote „Amateur Development is Not for Amateurs“.


SPPD356 ESPC16 Interview with Mike Fitzmaurice

img_1406This year the European SharePoint Conference came to Vienna and as always I took the opportunity to record some interviews for the podcast.

It was a great pleasure to meet #SharePoint legend Mike Fitzmaurice from Nintex and have him for the 5th time as guest at the SharePointPodcast.

We talked about the „State of the SharePoint Universe“, some early 2017 predictions and more.


SPPD255 English Week Day 2 Mike Fitzmaurice Nintex

ESPC2013MFEnglish Week at the SharePointPodcast with experts interviews recorded at the European SharePoint Conference 2013 in Copenhagen.

My guest today is Mike Fitzmaurice, Vice President for Product Technology, Nintex. Mike is a SharePoint legend, frequent guest at the SharePointPodcast and we’re talking about what’s going on with Microsoft and SharePoint, Nintex, Workflow and more.

Intro: Arne Huseby – Singles (Arne Huseby) / CC BY 3.0

SPPD190 English Week Day 3 Mike Fitzmaurice

This is day 3 of the English Week @ SharePointPodcast.de with experts interviews recorded at the European SharePoint Conference 2011 #in Berlin.

My guest today is Mike Fitzmaurice, former SharePoint evangelist at Microsoft and now Vice President of Product Technology for Nintex.


SPPD130 SharePointPodcast

Diese Ausgabe des SharePointPodcast wird präsentiert von der Serviceportals GmbH spo.MailShare: E-Mails aus Outlook heraus direkt in SharePoint speichern


Thema SharePoint 2010




Technorati: SharePoint, Podcast, SharePoint 2007, SharePointcommunity, MOSS 2007, SharePoint 2010, Michael Greth, Office 2010

Feedback: sharepointpodcast (at) gmail.com